Heather Blake, Navigator
"Your Separation and Divorce Compass"
(Bachelor of Education, Certified Divorce Doula, Certified Divorce Coach)
*when you want to save or fix your marriage.
*when your spouse refuses counselling.
*when your priority is the CHILDREN.
*before you call a lawyer.
*before you make a final decision.
*when you want to save money on a lawyer.
*when you have to deal with your Ex.
and many more scenarios......
"Heather, when can you help me?"

before, during, or after divorce; get clarity and support.
Individual Clarity and Courage; toward your goals...

Conditions of Service:
Please read and consider the following:
**Heather J. Blake is not a lawyer, therapist, mediator, financial professional or a social worker and will not give be giving legal advice or counseling. Heather is an educator and provides information and support toward your goals.
**All conversations and communications will remain confidential. (excluding where called to testify, by law).
**Heather J. Blake is required to disclose information to the authorities if there is an actual or possible threat to anyone’s safety. When information obtained during any communications indicates an actual or potential threat to the safety of any of the persons or a breach of the Child and Family Services Act or Criminal Code, Heather Blake is obligated to report such information.
**Payment required before first session.